Descargar las actividades en word
                                             Actividades Anteriores

<Lenguaje>  <Matemática>   <Inglés>    <Religión>   <Ciencias>  <Sociales>   <Francés>

20 de enero de 2003

Todas estas actividades son para hacer en hoja aparte. Si pueden, a medida que las terminen, llévenlas al colegio para su corrección. Gracias.

1. Write a free sentence or question using the following words:
1) treasure
2) why
3) chest
4) went
5) golf
6) child
7) magicians
8) borrow

2. Answer these questions using your workbook:
1) Where is Lucio from?
2) What nationality is Maria?
3) What did Jill buy in her dream?
4) Is Japan bigger than the United States?
5) Does Jack like playing the drums?
6) What's Jill's favorite sport?
7) What did Jack and Jill do on Monday?
8) What did the boys buy for Paul's old aunt?

3. Complete the following phrases with your own words:
       1) There was a …
       2) Jerry likes going to …
       3) Diana listened to …
       4) On Monday I won …
       5) He has ….
       6) I want to …

4. Answer the following questions:
       1) Do you like going to the mall?
       2) Does your father like eating pizza?
       3) Do you like speaking English?
       4) Does your mother like making cakes?

5. Complete these sentences with the verb to be and use the verb in gerund:
       1) I ___________ ___________ French with my mother (study)
       2) They ___________ ___________ a lot of new books (write)
       3) Mary ___________ ___________ to the door (walk)
       4) Susan and Tom ___________ ___________ to the store (go)
       5) It ___________ ___________ towards the blue coral (swim)

6. Write the past tense of the verbs in parentheses:
       1) They ___________their books under the bed (find)
       2) He ___________ in the swimming pool yesterday (swim)
       3) I ___________ the first prize in the tennis tournament (win)
       4) She ___________ you the other day at school (see)
       5) You ___________ your new car last weekend (drive)
       6) Carla ___________ on a diet last year (be)
       7) Tim ___________ to do his homework at home yesterday (have)
       8) I ___________ my reading last night (do)

7. Answer these questions using the word in parentheses:
       1) What did the girl watch? (movies)
       2) What did you blow yesterday? (balloons)
       3) When did Mary come? (last week)
       4) How much did you spend? (8 dollars)
       5) What did you carry yesterday? (chest)

8. Change these sentences into questions and answer them in affirmative and negative form:
       1) John ate two hamburgers yesterday.
       2) I bought a car last week.
       3) The boys played soccer last month.
       4) Susan wrote a letter last night.

9. Make your diary "Some things I did this week"


<Lenguaje>  <Matemática>   <Inglés>    <Religión>   <Ciencias>  <Sociales>   <Francés>